Monday, March 1, 2010

Isotretinoin Research Study

We are very excited about the results for our new isotretinoin trial. Isotretinoin is the generic form of Accutane, the most effective treatment for acne available. In the past, isotretinoin could not be taken on an empty stomach, but the new investigational form seems to be better aborbed. In the study, we will also establish if it has a better side effect profile. Isotretinoin is known to have several serious side effects. Some of these side effects are clearly established, but one of the most serious, depression and increased risk of suicide, is largely based on anecdotal reports. Through the study, we will determine once and for all in a scientific manner if this is a true side effect of isotretinoin. This information will be very valuable for all dermatologists so that we can either make the drug available to patients who might be excluded or better monitor our patients. To many people, acne is a cosmetic concern, but when severe, acne can be painful, disfiguring and physically and psychologically scarring. At Peachtree Dermatology, we are committed to providing our patients the safest and most effective treatments available, even those at the cutting edge.
Jamie D. Weisman, MD

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